Období: prosinec 2019

Hororové Vánoce, vol. 5

Amras (») | 26. 12. 2019 | přečteno: 915× | komentáře: 0
"Čas nezastavíš, nečeká. Tak přestaň rozhlížet se a užívej si, když jseš tady..." Ano, text mé milované skupiny Dymytry mi vytanul na mysli, když jsem si uvědomil, že další rok je téměř u konci. Chtěl bych pokračovat v takové mé menší tradici a opět jsem udělal výběr hororů, které nějakým způsobem souvisí s Vánoci. Tak štastné a krvavé! číst dál


Amras (») | 14. 12. 2019 | přečteno: 744× | komentáře: 0
The moon finally came out of the clouds and shined local area. Suddenly the man saw it straight ahead - large deep forest. Just go throw it and then he will be at home. At least that's what they told him. He came to the edge where quite wide stream stopped him. The moon was glittering on its level. The water itself was a bit darker than normal. Maybe it was because the time - it was several minutes after midnight. The man was still going along the stream untill he found a few stones on which he could go across to the other side. He looked back. Nobody was anywhere. He just had to walk a long time since he had seen the last house. He turned around and went into the heart of the woodland. číst dál