Sandra Marks was entwining strands of her hair with her fingers. She did it every time when she was nervous. She was supposed to go to dinner with her husband Peter tonight. Peter worked as investment broker on the Wall Street. And just today he was invited to prestigious restaurant Le Bernardin where his boss will be and also several important people with whom it was appropriate to get acquainted. In New York, and even more in Manhattan, the contacts were the basic. Therefore the attendance at the dinner was actually almost obligatory. A few people didn't belive that the last Peter's project would be successfull because one partner had some minor reservations about the investment contract. At that time, the stock exchange stagnated and the value of the dollar slowly declined. A similar situation was excatly six years ago when Peter began working for an investment company Value Garrant. It was a hard time for a fresh Harvard graduate, but also a valuable experience. He befriended with Luke Handersen who helped him how to navigate in the world of stock market. Peter managed to gain a few new clients and more or less helped save Value Garrant from bankruptcy. He improved in the eyes of his colleagues, and especially with his boss Marcus Leonard, who considered him as a newbie and didn't really believe that he would last more than a few weeks. So he surprised everyone and got to a higher position. The mentioned Peter's last project eventually ran smoothly, even better with the help of Handersen's contacts. The invitation to a dinner with the boss traditionally practically meant career advancement. If he didn't go to it, Peter Marks could easily start putting things from the office into the box the next day.
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